Yesterday I filled out an online application for a call-centre in a nearby town that's hiring. I thought I'd hear back soon, but what I wasn't expecting was getting a phone call this morning asking if I could do a telephone interview right then. After that I did an online assessment testing stuff like checking codes and whatnot. Five minutes after I finished it I got another call saying I passed and that they want me to go in on Sunday for a proper interview and a tour of the place. I think I stand a good chance of getting a job. Also, on Sunday my family are going through to that town so they can take me and show me where the place is, which is good considering I don't have money for the bus!
I also managed to finish my college assignment that's due in at 5pm. I did a great job. I don't care how arrogant it sounds, it really was a good piece of work. I can't wait to hear back about it.
On a slightly less positive note, guess who binged and purged, then went on to binge and purge again?
How did you guess it was me? Was it the bleeding knuckle? The disgusting breath? Maybe the fact that my entire body is shaking?
See after I purged the first time the plan was to just eat something small and keep it down. Never works that way though. Thank you very much body, you're just so desperate to gain back those calories. In all fairness I think it's quite admirable how our bodies make us want to binge if we've restricted for a while, it's self-preservation. I just wish there was an off switch.
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