Things are a bit mixed up. My boyfriend and I broke up, and I'm not interested in the guy from work any more. I think it was just because I knew my relationship was coming to an end and I wanted to prove to myself that I could care for someone else. Turns out I didn't need to bother.
I was chatting to the guy from work on msn, and I mentioned how I'd seen someone who became a little bit of a public figure on a dating site, and it was weird seeing stuff about his sexual preferences and whatnot. He asked for a screenshot of the guy's profile and announced that he was one of his best friends. After much debating with myself I decided to let him put me in touch with this guy over msn, and I'm so glad he did. We got on great, but I kept worrying I was just a pest for him.
I was out in the pub on Saturday night and sat using msn on my phone to talk to him. I was really bored and he suggested that I go to his house. I did, and it was a bit awkward but I liked seeing him. He was a bit quiet so I ended up speaking to the guy he lives with more. The next day we spoke more on msn, then we met up for a little bit in the evening. We got on great, and we've been texting lots.
I'm going to his tonight to watch a movie. I'm armed with haribo, minstrels and pringles.
I do worry I'm rushing into another relationship a bit quickly, but I can't let this opportunity pass me. He's so incredibly nice, he's a massive geek, he makes me laugh, he makes me smile, and so on and so forth. I can't wait for tonight.
On a not-so-great note, my grandpa and great uncle are coming up to stay today. I like them, but they're awful guests who get in the way and expect to be waited on hand and foot.
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