I'm really nervous, as my post title will tell you. Tomorrow I have a jobcentre interview. Because nobody has hired me since I've started receiving jobseeker's allowance they want me to go along and prove I'm looking for work. I already go in every 2 weeks and they take details of what I've done from my jobsearch diary, I'd assumed that they checked up on those but I'm guessing not now. I've been printing off every application letter I have saved and I'm taking my interview and rejection letters from the vets. I'm hoping it'll be enough.
I'm staying over at my boyfriend's tonight, which I'm really happy about. We're going to get pizza and beer, watch tv, do the obvious and snuggle up. I really love him. He's so supportive of everything that goes on with me. He's not happy about it, and I know he worries, but he's there for me if I ever need someone.
I'm still nervous about the appointment I'm having set up so my parents can speak to the psychiatrist. There's a fairly big chance my dad won't be able to make it, and if he can't then my stepmum says she won't go. I can understand why she'd feel uncomfortable, but she adopted my sisters and me, she can't just pick and choose when she wants to be a parent now. It's her responsibility to be there for me, even if I'm legally an adult and she doesn't like what I'm asking her to get involved in. She can't play the "I'm not really your parent" card now, because legally she is. I know I'm maybe overreacting a bit, but I don't want a part-time parent.
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