As it turned out, there was no sex last night. I did, however, discover my boyfriend has a bit of a fetish for being bitten. Not too hard mind.
My jobcentre interview was rather boring. They didn't want any of the mountain of crap I'd printed out. I have to go in weekly now, but because I'm in Glasgow next week it's to start as of the 6th of April. I've to remind people when I go to sign on tomorrow.
I've been shattered since my pizza and tv binge last night, and despite not having much of an appetite it seemed appropriate to eat a lot today. It wasn't quite a binge eat, but the volume of food consumed was that of a bingeing episode. Oh fun.
I'm going to a primary school concert tonight, to see my sister sing. It's going to be awful, but my parents are paying the entry fee and at least this can be filed under "family devotion", ready to pull out when the parental bitching next commences.
Sorry for the general attitude of this post, like I said I'm very moody. That and my mood's gone back down again and I really cannot be arsed with anything. If I don't moan and bitch so much it'll just get internalised and we all know how wonderfully well that works out.
Anyway, off for dinner. I still have a horrible furry feel to my mouth after eating lots of sweets, so it'll be a thoroughly unpleasant experience. After that I'm going to sit through about 2 hours of whiny children singing. No wonder I'm suicidal at times.
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