Last night I ate crisps with my friends, then later my boyfriend was hungry so we had pizza and garlic bread and I didn't purge! I admit the thought did cross my mind a few times but I kept reminding myself that I want to get better.
This morning I had great fun at the jobcentre. I was excused last week because I had my university visit, but the woman didn't fill out the paperwork, so I had a man today suggesting I made it up and decided not to go along. Luckily I was sent over to a nice woman who asked me a few questions, filled out a form and then told me "there's nothing to worry about, you informed us you were going and were given permission, so it's not your fault this is happening, someone just messed up." Hopefully I'll still get my money, I need to pay back my boyfriend for the money we had to use when we got stuck in Aberdeen.
I've just had breakfast, 2 slices of toast. I feel good about eating it, and I don't feel too tempted to use it as an excuse to binge. I'm feeling positive about this.
Congratulations <3 One step at a time, eh? And it's a pretty decent chunk of a step [=
BTW, this is Phoenix Marlowe from The Asylum, just in case you thought I was a random stalker.
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