Settling In

So, I've had a few days to get settled back in to Glasgow. I'm pretty happy here, which is surprising. The fact I'm smoking again probably has a lot to do with it. At the moment it's the best way to kind of keep the thoughts about what my ex did to me at bay. They stop the anxiety getting too bad. I must stop soon though.

I'm so glad to be back here and to be able to see my boyfriend. He makes me really happy, and it's lovely to have someone I can talk about books with, and not just casually, we can sit and properly analyse and dissect them. I know that probably sounds ridiculous and pretentious, but we enjoy it. Plus it is useful for our courses to have someone to discuss ideas with.

I am despairing slightly over books. The ones for philosophy have only recently been published, so I have to buy them all at extortionate prices from the university bookshop. One of them isn't even in stock yet and I need to get it started by Monday!

I'm working my way through my ones for Literature. I dislike Orlando. That's all I have to say on that book. For the moment at least.

I have spent days debating over tonight. A pile of us are all going over to a friend's for some drinks then some will be going out to our favourite pub. Considering what happened last time I was out I didn't want to, but to be honest, a lot of my nervousness will be the usual anxiety I feel when it comes to going out. I have bought some cheap vodka and I'm planning on at least going to my friend's and catching up with everybody. I'm not going to hide away, as much as I'd like to.


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